
I'm beginning to completely understand the title of my blog, if you look at the decisions that I make and the types of things that I do it's evident that the type od idiocy the I deal with will literally bring you to your knees, I don't mean that as an inuendo or to yor knees weeping but like a swift baton strike to the back of the knees. It fuckin sucks. I can note this here that I'm hopelessly an idiot and there's really nothing I can do about it, so I'll stick to my music and my cooking, because as you have noticed as I'm pertaining to woman I'm only hurting them and not doing much for myself either. Getting them into brawls with each other and then brawls with me and it's just not worth it cause evidentally there not getting anything otu of it and I know I sure as hell am not. Those of you whom talk to me, don't be surprised if I'm not the most joyous person or the most polite, it's nothing against you personally I'm just failing to care about just about everything right now. If you want to ask what's wrong, control the urge. Talked to sean today to get some kinda of type of encouragement and advice on what to do about my pathetic thing for Ashley, hope it's helpful. None the less this day seems to go on forever, my mom asked me if I was on drugs today, so I laughed in her face, it was great.

Song: Limp Bizkit - Sour

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