
As this, another, day passed by it only seems as menotinuos as the last was and the next will be. This day was interesting from the extremely annoying pestering of what was wrong with from way too many people, esp. Jenna (holy shit she rubs me wrong!!!) But the sermon was again boring ...he said " Iraqians" what the fuck? has someone not been watching the news or at least graduated basic geography. Today we discussed what hors douevres (sp?) we to be served at Nat's thingy and she went of on how there isn't gonna be any drinking. I dunno I have top disagree but anyways, we played music at church where all of it sucked except for lido, but that's what's important.

Song: Alien Ant Farm - Summer ( or as my computer says it " ANTology", I don't think that's the name of the song as well as the album)

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