
I can't look at today and think that there's has benn nothing going one, in my mind though it feels that way, at this point everything feels like a dream, and not necessarily a good on. Do you ever have those times when you feel like you can do anything you want, it's not like your oblivious to the reprocutions, no, you know full well what they are you just fail to give a shit about it. At this point this is how I feel, careless...not carefree, careless (Some may be able to confuse those 2 very easily). This day seems to be filled with confusion....when there's an occurence that one might want to keep secret, it might be a good idea to agree with all knowing parties exactly what will be disclosed because otherwise there's confusing factor amidst the entire situation. Running through the perpetually gaping holes in my minds exist the infathomable idea that I might within the next 2 months be able to capture what it is that I long for most, the common sense factor in my brain tells me otherwise. But on this imaginary notion I shall endure and pursue my hearts longings (cross yor fingers, or don't if you don't give a shit). Today for dinner I couldn't find anything to make, so we concoct some sort of something, I found some alfredo and some eggnoodles, then some portabellos and some sausage. The sause was too cheesy and thick so I added milk to dilute it...but of course I added too much milk so now the consistency was perfect but the sauce wasn't cheesy enough, so what do you add for a cheesy flavor......FETUS, no I'm just kidding you add cheese silly!! So I added the cheese and a shitload of pepper and the concoction turned out pretty damn good I was surprised an proud of myself.

Song : Pedro The Lion - Magazine

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