
.....hiding one's feeling's isn't quite what I had in mind, it's more of a distracting from the kinds of feeling that aren't necessarily healthy, I'm sure you know what it is that I'm talking about, if not, ask an I'll tell you. I've made too many mistakes comcerning love and the ideas of love and everything having to do with infatuation and that other mess, so I'm taking this opportunity to finally live and learn, I'm not gonna assume what it is by definition, or what is supposed to happen therein, I'm simply going to let it do whatever it's supposed to do, whatever that might be. Too many times have I taken the liberty of defining for myself (and others) what is "supposed" to happen, this time it wil be alot different, I go into this realizing that fairy tale fantasy love is just that, fairy-tale; I won't be able to sit back and it all fall into place, I must direct it, guide it, and possibly create it in itself (if you can imagine that) But for now, I'll call it love, or at least, I'm in love.

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