
Blitzkrieg - A drive by shooting of massive proportions......right so today was quite typical, but Jenna keeps asking me to be her friends and to be nice to her, I'm not being mean i just not bothering with the idea. So ya, I had a bunch of shit due in english today to which I turned in none of it, not to many's surprise. I have to this notion in my mind not to go for what I want because I'm expecting it to get thrown into my face. This deal with ashley is only causing me to fall even farther into love with her, but there's a notion in my head that makes simpy think that I'm not gonna be in this situation for long so I'm waiting for it to end, I will not allow myself to get hurt so I'm not going to give my heart to anyone who might obliterate it in their palm, hence I will not allow myself to bcome vulmerable for anyone. in case you were wondering why me and ashley aren't "together."

Song: The Dismemberment Plan - Time Bomb

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