
This weekend was one of the most fun times I have had in a long time, yup. oh god my voice is so fucked...too much singing and then on top of it I decided it was time to scream today, Gargantuan ended up sounding like shit...the only time we actually play in front of more than just natalie, I fuck it up. The mood of the day seems to be growing worse and worse, I get this feeling that I want to just sit and cry and cry and cry.....but I can't seem to figure out why. I just feel like there's no security in anything that I do and I'm just kinda out there, but crying would probably be kinda futile since it doesn't change anything.

Song: Cold - End Of The World


I'm so Fucking fickle.....It's disgusting!!!
Well I swallow my pride, my fear, and entrust my heart to another, of course history tends to reapeat itself so 've kinda braced myself for my punch in the face. It's kinda like when you have yourself falling over but don't brace yourself or stop yourself, just fall. so here I am body tensed waiting for my ass kicking.

song: FooFighter - Everlong


Blitzkrieg - A drive by shooting of massive proportions......right so today was quite typical, but Jenna keeps asking me to be her friends and to be nice to her, I'm not being mean i just not bothering with the idea. So ya, I had a bunch of shit due in english today to which I turned in none of it, not to many's surprise. I have to this notion in my mind not to go for what I want because I'm expecting it to get thrown into my face. This deal with ashley is only causing me to fall even farther into love with her, but there's a notion in my head that makes simpy think that I'm not gonna be in this situation for long so I'm waiting for it to end, I will not allow myself to get hurt so I'm not going to give my heart to anyone who might obliterate it in their palm, hence I will not allow myself to bcome vulmerable for anyone. in case you were wondering why me and ashley aren't "together."

Song: The Dismemberment Plan - Time Bomb


well today we find out that Stephen's booked us a show, FINALLY, an orsinger show...not the greatest thing in the world but it's a show we need to start somewhere to get some sorta fanbase. (Castle Hills just isn't big enough) Only problem is that have a chior trip ad competition in dallas that day. I'm supposed to do in English regarding friendship...FRUITCAKE PROJECT!!!!! That's was kinda off subject. I have so much to say but not enough liberty to say it all...like hiroshima , but not

Song: Bobby Caldwell - Jamaica (awesome song)


I'm loving life, not necessarily because everything is falling into place but I'm free to do pretty much whatever I want, also I get to now bitch out jenna without getting in trouble, not that I want to bitch her out, simply that I don't like to have to hold my tongue when she asks questions like, " Am I a slut?"........uh can we fit a spaceship inside you, yes, I think your a slut. Nevertheless, today we saw some of the stupidest renditions of middle school short stories turned into plays, twas quite the retarded occasion, but it's okay cause I got some naptime in. Well that's really all I have to say. oh ya, I got a new part for addicted today....BAD ASS!!!

Song: Incubus - The Warmth