
A man notices a young woman, her long slender body, seduces him as a lion to a weak gazelle. Slowly he approaches her, with the slightest movement, not to attract too much attention. The way that guys will in order to “hit on” a woman in a manner to least exhibit a form of “hitting on.” He looks at his watch, releases a deep and concentrated sigh, begins to look frustrated as the woman offers him a seat next to him. “Are you alright?” She asks in what sounds like a concerned tone, polite at best. “I’M FINE!” He snapped back with a bit of a snarl, quickly his tone turns remorseful, “I’m sorry, I’m just having a really bad day” ……He’s in, where do we go from here? Here’s where we find the definition of the man, where does he go after he has already won the game? To bed? To Breakfast? To a bed and Breakfast.…..”What’s your name?” He asks, “Sheila, Sheila Fortson” she responds.

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