
My parent's and I just discussed us redoing my closet, I don't think that I've have ever heard them make anything so simple seem so complicated......mmk, well your an abomination to God, your entire premise for belief is, in itself, the single stupidest thing I have ever been previed to, it kinda disgusts me actually, but what am I gonna do, ALANON says to let the addicted fall captive to their addiction and then, and only then, are you to help them back up. I'm done trying I'm done crying I'm done waiting. She's in god's hands now, and once again I'm sorry. It's been awhile since I've don'e one of these blog things, so I kinda forgot how this works...me and steve-o go to play a lotta music today, went to woodland, that was cool, today turned out to be one of the better days (better ways, TeeHee). Turns out that I've come to the realization that the lyrics for 5 of 4 really suck ass, so it's been concluded that I am to take random tidbit of different poetry to mash it together into a big huge conglomerate mess that suckerpunches the mind into another state of thinking, maybe even religion. so there's school in the morning and I'm supposed to see all my favorite people all over again, yay defenstartion. I saw one of the geatest quotes today, if you would like to see it read on, if not you should skip and look at the song of the day Quote: " The bird the sweetest sings can least endure the storm" - Maria Brooks

Song of the day - Seal - Love's Divine

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