
if the sky turns gray
and I lost my mind
would send me away
to make for an easier time

if this song wasn't played
and the crowds never went wild
would you still come to the stage
and try to make me smile
if I died today
in the middle of the street
would they drag you away
kicking and screaming

if the sun was erased
and we ran out of time
would god even return
to the scene of the crime

if the sky turned gray
and I lost my mind
would you send me away
to make for an easier time

if this song was never played
and the crowds never went wild
would you still come to the stage
and try to make me smile


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I'm sitting in a chair adorned with a mickey mouse blanket
I asked you if you wanted it, but your scorn, I couldn't take it


We're working to increase it's beauty
I'm striving to improve upon every aspect of your disability
Inept of walls create
A wall of indecencys mistake
A place where I asked to take a break

But I never stay awake long enough to seize the day
And you never stay away long enough to appreciate the space
A caress is best left
To thoose who's blooming trees
And killing fields are nothing but
Coffee stains retained
with fleeting ease (with outdated maps)
It's harder to make an impression on you as you get older
Once a poet, now a soldier
Like you forgot the words to your favorite song
But remember the melody, so sing along
Only one months old, and the feelings gone

Holding hands was once taboo
A virgin for a hundred dubloons
Wish I could off her father a goat
Pay him back for sins he'll never know
I know she bled because I saw her on my sheets
I remember caring, but that's not my scene

To bad you'll never know
That Jesus only loves
Those who squirm and choke
Those who hold their tongues
And ruin the joke