
today is the first day I've ever daydreamt about being a father
that could be really cool


now we're back to the storm
it's blustery
and the debris is in a swarm
- MC Produce
children are so persitent
I can't tell where I left my own existence
how could it all be gone in a instant
I searching to find out where it went
it'll be fine, I'm patient


if the sky turns gray
and I lost my mind
would send me away
to make for an easier time

if this song wasn't played
and the crowds never went wild
would you still come to the stage
and try to make me smile
if I died today
in the middle of the street
would they drag you away
kicking and screaming

if the sun was erased
and we ran out of time
would god even return
to the scene of the crime

if the sky turned gray
and I lost my mind
would you send me away
to make for an easier time

if this song was never played
and the crowds never went wild
would you still come to the stage
and try to make me smile


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I'm sitting in a chair adorned with a mickey mouse blanket
I asked you if you wanted it, but your scorn, I couldn't take it


We're working to increase it's beauty
I'm striving to improve upon every aspect of your disability
Inept of walls create
A wall of indecencys mistake
A place where I asked to take a break

But I never stay awake long enough to seize the day
And you never stay away long enough to appreciate the space
A caress is best left
To thoose who's blooming trees
And killing fields are nothing but
Coffee stains retained
with fleeting ease (with outdated maps)
It's harder to make an impression on you as you get older
Once a poet, now a soldier
Like you forgot the words to your favorite song
But remember the melody, so sing along
Only one months old, and the feelings gone

Holding hands was once taboo
A virgin for a hundred dubloons
Wish I could off her father a goat
Pay him back for sins he'll never know
I know she bled because I saw her on my sheets
I remember caring, but that's not my scene

To bad you'll never know
That Jesus only loves
Those who squirm and choke
Those who hold their tongues
And ruin the joke


-Other Castle 1

My accomplishment's nemesis
to assault the mind's ambition
I'm walking
in circles
but never coming around
I'm giving
My heart away
and never hearing your sound


I'm giving out pamphlets to get support, to save your soul
We'd give everything, but you're looking so old
Like a wilted lily whose roots are firmly grounded
To let this beauty wither, leaves none astounded
Give you a place
To hide
There a beauty you mind find
A way to live and love or die
Some men told me I was to be a leader, I'm not so sure anymore. The words that follow may make no sense, but there's a pattern involved, I know it. Something peaking through on a subconscience* level, they've shown it. It was literally nothing the mind can see, but it can be perceived in dream, only when eyes are obselete.*

-I used to love magnificently
-Phone Operator
I'm an escapist theory
The part where 5+1=30
You're not my G-d anymore
You're no longer sought after anymore

I want to lay in the grass
And let the sun shine warm upon my face
Never to worry about loss of sense of grace

Mr. Charles can take the heroine
I'm partial to psychocylibin

Listen to the birds sing
In perfect random order ever chiming
Listen to teh birds sing
In perfect melodious chorus ever flying


How are you doing today, what kind of sky will bring teardrops before rain, who gave away the stars you praised, and nestled back into their comfortable hiding place


Daughter of Miranda
Your last name is changed
Without the eyes I wanted to give you
I have a dissertation
The pain at night says
Alone you remained in the dress
The wash in blood
You do not wait in the street
That is going to persecute you
The want to kill you
Teeth of a machete
Head of a rooster


Got a new pipe, need a name, got any suggestions? Posted by Hello


Holdin The J, This one goes out to all the Dj's and such Posted by Hello
It's hard to imagine where love and pust had ever been entangled before


"Good Morning beautiful, Where are you off to?"
Beauty never answered the call


To try to see what you have inside
I'd like to make your dreams come alive
Hey Stranger, you're beauty of sorts
Hey Neighber, this statement deserves a retort
Hey Stranger, you're beauty of sorts
Hey Neighber, this statement deserves a retort
Hey Stranger, you're beauty of sorts
Hey Neighber, this statement deserves a retort
Hey Stranger, you're beauty of sorts
Hey Neighber, this statement deserves a retort


I saw God through my microscope the other day
Cleared my head and brushed the cobwebs away
Returned to the lens
And saw my savior swimmingIn cytoplasm,
seeping through
Membranes thinning.
He smiled and waved
And told me everything would be ok.
Like a child taking a bath in the sink
Splashing, playing
Making waves.

The iodine never bothered him
And neither did the chlorine
And even when I added ammonia
He pretended he was a fountain
And spat it back at me

I saw Satan through my telescope the other day
Hid my food and put the leftovers away
Returned to the lens
And saw my mentor pacing
In ellipses, waiting untilI was ripe for the taking.
He smiled and waved
And told me everything would be ok.
Like a would-be father taking his lover to her grave
Splashing, playing
Making waves.

The silence never bothered him
And neither did the space
And when I set my sights upon the sun
He pretended he didn't care
And cursed me to my face.

I saw myself through my macroscope the other day
Cut my hair and hid my face in shame
Returned to the lens
And saw my body growing
In laboratories, trying to
Teach itself to learn without knowing.
It smiled and waved
And told me everything would be ok.
Like a circus performer drowning in the dunk tank
Splashing, playing
Making waves.

The nakedness never bothered it
And neither did the sport
And even when I insulted its birth
It pretended it was a statue
And refused to retort.


You make me wonder about being imaginative
Give more or less a better or worse reason to live
We’ve tried over and over again to convince reason and rhyme to lend a hand
Too distracted by the golden boy trying to be everybody’s friend.
I’m living in yesterday trying to make something of tomorrow
It looks like we’ve made it past the golden years
I’m crawling on my hand and knees, looking for more to beg and borrow


Open door
In sun pours
Feel the breez
eAnd I'm almost asleep
A woman I've come to obey
,Nay, respect
A feeling I thought I'd left
On an oak-shaded saltillo doorstep
Slowly sinking into silky white
While half-drawn curtains shield fleeting light

Electric jazz and static stays
And I replay a warm womb for days and days
If we didn't become frozen in placeI'd be completely amazed.
I concentrate on the nose on your face
And in the comfort of an isolated case
I take solace in the fact
That a laugh
Warrants last place.


Keep breathin', believin'Whether givin' or recievin'Every dog will have it's dayAnd every ghost will have it's seasonKeep breathin', believin'Whether givin' or recievin'There's a time and place for everythingAnd today I say we're leavin'


Since when were you the type to stick around for the fight

There's always an answer for "why?"

Got a light?

"Just one more kiss before we say goodnight"
"Just one more lie to make things right"
"Just a little more time to say good bye"


A bit'o'Steve-o's work:
The great debacle
My personal uphill battle
My to-do list that never got done
Places I wish I'd seen,
Battles I wish I'd won.

But instead I debate
A greater fate.
All theory and no action,
Or all movement and no satisfaction.

Either way the cost is great,
We've arrived to the party a millennium too late,
But at least we did it in style.
Like a two-minute mile,
That doesn't even bring a smile,
Because the reason for running
Has been dead for a while.
We're the life of the party
But the death of the party line.
We quit years ago
But we're still working full-time.
I am the life-long student
And life is the longest teacher.
I'm singing in the choir today
But everyone's listening to the preacher.