
You kinda have to assume the meter, the rhyme is random.

I can’t quite deliver a pattern to discover the mixed plains and strains that I seem to detain in the most intricate corners of my mind. I’m not able or capable to explain the main strain I’m trying to obtain to reach my consequential finish line. You see my trouble is confusion, this is my retribution, my explanation of what I need to heed; a clear head. Like a serene lake to contemplate, the idea of absence instead. But then again, it’s quarter ‘till ten, I’ve got no time mend the pieces of the puzzle that rest in side my head, as I rest inside my bed. Instead I must move from this place, make haste, to find my right place among this race, lest I be considered a disgrace. Be labeled ‘dischord’ for trying to do things of my own accord. For a clear head is thoughtless and without thought we’re lawless, after all we’ve got a conscience, to consider. A conscience to apply the Bible can tell us why, so our fellow man will hold us in high esteem, so that they’ll respect our dreams, and our word will lead among a mess of instinctive ideals. So that these word will enter the mindscapes of those who succeed me, so that mindscapes will then want to be me, at which point I will no longer seem greedy, but at the same time getting away with the "big picture" lie, of how I spent my time, writing lines to humbleness imply, to instigate praise, on who’s part..Mine. See this is how the world works, "Youth of the Nation," more like kings and queens of manipulation, this is how the truth works. It’s not whether your gear was fly or you were gettin’ high, it’s about all the lies, the lies I use, to in your mind prove, to be truth. Truth above all else, whether legitimate or counterfeit. You can pitch a fit or you can go ahead and take a sit, learn a bit, about how the world turns (I know it burns). But this is the shit that you must heed, so that your children you can feed, your peoples you can lead, everything entailed in the tale to succeed. The way you may feed your greed, without objection.