
One night please, Stay with me
Sober indeed
Your my epitomy of apathy
My perfect beauty
The object of my greed
All that's left of my creed
Your my death and recovery
An ever-present conglomerate misery


He enters the restaurant, the lights are dim and you can smell the freshly roasted peppers, and the fresh bread just comin' out of the ovens. Across the room, about thirty feet from the door sits a woman, head propped up on her hand, her glass of red growing evermore stale from the scent of lonliness at the table. Her eyes boring holes into the next chapter of her relatively exciting and somewhat arousing smut novel, she takes, once again, a deep heavy sigh. He spotted her and decided to settle at a table two tables away, ordered his own glass, and began looking over his menu all the time trying, oh so suttly, to keep from being noticed as he studied her every curve and crevace. Suddenly he rises walks to her table, stops, looks her in the face, the woman looks up. On her face is a look of shock, almost panick, a "deer in the headlights" kind of thing. Ackward for a moment, he sits quckly, places his hand over her hand, as she quickly pulls it away. He grows furious, pulls his fist into a ball, the veins on the side of his neck begin to expose themselves like intoxicated high school children, and slams it onto the table. In a hieghtened tone of voice, just short of a violent scream, he shouts, "WHY? WHY? WHY DO YOU PERSIST?" She just looks at him, taking another sip of her warm chianti, eyes back to the book. He pulls his lips closer to her ear, just to the point that is necessary for a proper seduction and whispers, " I love you more than you will ever let me realize".......Light once dim, now blackened, curtain closes..........why?